How do we do it?
GRADS has developed a curriculum that identifies 10 unique areas that reflect serious needs for
pregnant or parenting teens. Click on any of the topics to the left for a brief explanation of the areas on
which we focus.
Process Skills - Decision Making
1.Manage work and family responsibilities for the well being of self and others
2.Apply the problem-solving process to personal and family problems for the well being of self and others
3.Relate to others in positive, caring ways
4.Assume leadership role as a responsible family member and citizen
1.Assess personal development
2.Analyze factors contributing to the development of self within the family unit
3.Analyze self-esteem and its effects
4.Develop a plan to achieve personal goals
5.Manage stressful situations
6.Human Anatomy and Reproductive Systems
Pregnancy, Wellness, and Prenatal Care
1.Anaylyze pregnancy health care.
2.Develop a plan to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women
3.Create a positive prenatal environment
4.Analyze the effect of sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) on mother, father, and baby
5.Analyze the labor and delivery process
Postpartum/Neonatal Care
1.Evaluate infant feeding options
2.Assess the postpartum care period
3.Demonstrate care of newborns
4.Analyze sexual decisions during and following pregnancies
1.Analyze attitudes and expectations of parenthood
2.Identify parenting roles, rights, and responsibilities
3.Identify strategies for meeting the challenges of parenting children with special needs
4.Analyze legal issues related to parenthood
Enhancing Child Development
1.Set goals to meet childhood dependency needs
2.Recognize parental roles in overall child development
3.Enhance children's physical growth and development
4.Enhance children's social development
5.Enhance children's emotional development
6.Enchande children's intellectual development
7.Respond to specific parenting challenges
8.Employ communication skills in guiding young children
Creation of a Healthy/Safe Environment
1.Employ strategies designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants and children
2.Employ strategies designed to meet children's hygiene needs
3.Employ safety practices to minimize hazards
4.Demonstrate basic first-aid skills
5.Care for children during illness
6.Evaluate child-care services
7.Constrast discipline techniques
8.Develop strategies for establishing cooperative parenting environments
Relationship/Social Support System
1.Maintain Friendships
2.Identify characteristics of healthy partner relationships
3.Analyze factors related to marriage
4.Analyze factors affecting families
5.Analyze factors related to child abuse and neglect
6.Assess dynamics of domestic abuse
7.Assess dynamics of sexual abuse
8.Manage conflict
9.Investigate family legal issues
10.Employ strategies designed to meet the basic needs of a teen-parenting family
11.Analyze the effects of sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)
12.Analyze sexual decisions
13.Birth control and pregnancy options
Economic Independence
1.Assess school-to-work needs
2.Identify traditional and non-traditional occupational options
3.Assess career interest and skills
4.Develop a career plan
5.Manage family income and expenses
6.Assess savings and checking options
7.Define equitable roles, rights, and responsibilities in the school and workplace
1.Develop a job-search plan
2.Apply communication skills employment search
3.Demonstrate interview skills
4.Employ strategies designed to meet responsibilities as working parent(s)
5.Develop time-management plans
6.Identify behaviors required to be successful in school and work